Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hugh and Larry Beware!

Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt watch out! A January 15, 2008 article in Wired.com's Threat Level pointed out that the NSA chief, Michael McConnell, is so worried about cyber terrorism that he thinks there should be absolutely no privacy online. The government, he says, should be allowed to tap your phones, tap your phone lines, tap your email and your Google searches... Personally, I think this is a secret attempt by the NSA to get free access to porn on the internet. It makes perfect sense.

Back in the early nineties he was the guy who backed the so-called Clipper Chip, which would enforce a back door in every encryption system developed. Now he's trying to get a patently illegal (in the US) law put through Congress. And why else? Not for terrorism, which would be considerably easier to stop through intense effort to develop better foreign relations. Definitely not for the safety of US citizens. (I mean, they still have trash cans in airports -- how serious can they be about safety?)

No, it's pretty obvious: they want a way to get their porn for free. Larry and Hugh have a major stake in seeing this law doesn't pass. Once the NSA has their hands on the porn, they're lost: everyone in the government will have it (and once it falls into CIA hands everyone will have it).